

The version of Node-RED that can be installed easily through Raspbian’s “recommended software” mechanism is quite out of date. You should follow the instructions for Alternative Installations, below, even for Raspbian.

To access the Node-RED web-based user interface from outside your home requires exposing it over the Internet:

  • Configure your router to forward port 1880 to your Pi

  • Configure your Node-RED instance to require authentication and use encryption as described below

Alternative Installations

As noted above, Node-RED is installed by default as one of the “recommended software” packages in the “full” version of Raspbian or can be installed through Raspbian’s software configuration utility if you chose to install a version without such applications pre-installed.

If you are using a different operating system, there are many ways to install it depending on the particular OS, version of node.js, version of Node-RED etc. you want to use. See for details. How you install Node-RED does have some consequences for day-to-day operation. For example, if you install it using the “official” script for Debian based distros then you will have to run the following manually to run Node-RED automatically each time you reboot your machine:

sudo systemctl enable nodered

Follow the instructions at to configure it to run as a service if you installed Node-RED in some other way.

Securing Node-RED

As with your MQTT broker, it would be a mistake to expose your Node-RED server to the Internet without securing it. Doing so requires customization of Node-RED’s settings.js file.

The location of your Node-RED settings.js file will vary depending on whether or not you use the default installation via Raspberry Pi’s “recommended software” configuration or choose to install a different version manually. Usually, it will be in ~/.node-red/settings.js.

To secure your Node-RED instance:

  • As noted in a comment in the default settings.js configuration, you must uncomment the line requiring the fs module:

    // The `https` setting requires the `fs` module. Uncomment the following
    // to make it available:
    var fs = require("fs");
  • You must also uncomment and adjust the adminAuth property:

    // Securing Node-RED
    // -----------------
    // To password protect the Node-RED editor and admin API, the following
    // property can be used. See for details.
    adminAuth: {
      type: "credentials",
      users: [{
          username: "...user name...",
          password: "...hashed password...",
          permissions: "*"
  • Also, enable the use of TLS (“https”) using the fs module:

    // The following property can be used to enable HTTPS
    // See
    // for details on its contents.
    // See the comment at the top of this file on how to load the `fs` module used by
    // this setting.
    https: {
      key: fs.readFileSync('/etc/letsencrypt/live/'),
      cert: fs.readFileSync('/etc/letsencrypt/live/')
    // The following property can be used to cause insecure HTTP connections to
    // be redirected to HTTPS.
    requireHttps: true,
  • Finally, to require authentication when accessing HTTP end-points published by Node-RED, including pages created using node-red-dashboard:

    // To password protect the node-defined HTTP endpoints (httpNodeRoot), or
    // the static content (httpStatic), the following properties can be used.
    // The pass field is a bcrypt hash of the password.
    // See
    httpNodeAuth: {user: "...user name...",pass: "...hashed password..."},

See for details. Note in particular the section on generating a hashed a password using command line tools supplied along with Node-RED.

The same caveats apply here as noted for mosquitto in regards to file permissions for the letsencrypt live certificate files.